Awards & Honors

Jose Antonio Navarro/"Spider" Garcia
Navarro-Garcia Patriot Award
The highest honor given from Navarro County, Texas for Patriotism. It is given annually to an American citizen who has demonstrated selfless service and leadership in the promotion and honoring of Veterans from the Lone Star State and beyond. The award is named for Jose Antonio Navarro, the namesake of Navarro County and signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence, and for Corsicana native Candelario “Spider” Garcia, who received the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously from President Barak Obama in March of 2014.
2024 Michael Thornton, U.S. Navy Seal, Medal of Honor Recipient, Vietnam 1973
2023 Chris Cassidy, Afghanistan Navy Seal, NASA Astronaut
2022 Lt. Col. William D. Swenson, U.S. Army, Medal of Honor Recipient, Afghanistan, 2009
2021 Lee William "Bill" McNutt, III Co-Founder - State Funeral for World War Veterans
2020 Hershel "Woody" Williams, WWII Veteran, USMC, Medal of Honor Recipient, Iwo Jima
2019 Fiske Hanley, WWII Veteran, Air Force, Japanese POW, American Hero

Governor Beauford Jester
Texas Governor Beauford Jester Award
Given to the Texas Veterans Parade Volunteer who is a Veteran of the United States Armed Forces and who makes the greatest contribution to the Texas Veterans Parade in Corsicana in a given year. This person demonstrates during the year vital qualities of leadership including inspiring others, creativity and getting things accomplished. The award is named for Beauford Jester from Corsicana who served his country in World War I and as the 36th Governor of Texas.
2024 Tim Easley, Navarro County Veterans Services, Sr. Pastor at Cedar Creek Missionary Baptist Church
2023 Dr. Karen Kopp, Military Veteran, Corsicana Independent School System
2022 Major Kevin Eubanks, U.S. Army, Retired
2021 Billy Richards, Veteran and Parade Chairman for the Texas Veterans Parade
2020 Retired COL Kathy Meisetschleager, USAF
2019 Retired Navy Captain Joe Hill, CEO of the Texas Veterans Parade

Coach Jim Acree
James Acree Award
Given to the Texas Veterans Parade Volunteer of the year who is not a military veteran. To a person who has worked during the last year with great determination and effort to making the Texas Veterans Parade in Corsicana, Texas a success. This award is named for James Acree, a Veteran of the Korean War who served as Corsicana High School's football coach from 1960 to 1966, winning the AAA Texas State Championship in 1963 with a perfect record of 14-0. Jim Acree was a man of great determination and perseverance. His qualities are embodied in this award.
2024 Stacie Sipes, Executive Director of Marketing, Navarro College
2023 Kim Boals, Texas Veterans Parade Volunteer
2022 Martin Blanchard, Texas Veterans Parade Treasurer
2021 Barbara Watkins, Daughters of the American Revolution
2020 Elizabeth Green Brown, Community National Bank
2019 Ms. Judy Dunavant, Daughters of the America Revolution.

Congressmen Joe Barton/Ron White
Joe Barton - Ron Wright Congressional Trophy
Awarded annually to a government official who has demonstrated love for Veterans and done the most to promote the mission of the Texas Veterans Parade organization during the past year. It is named for two Congressmen who represented Navarro County for over 36 years.
In 1984, Joe Barton was first elected to Congress from the 6th congressional district of Texas when three-term incumbent Phil Gramm left his seat to successfully run for the U.S. Senate. He served for 34 years and rose to become Chair of the House Energy Committee. Congressman Ron Wright was elected to Congress in November of 2018, upon the retirement of Congressman Barton. Congressman Ron Wright had a special place in his heart for Veterans and served till his death of cancer in February of 2021.
Congressman Joe Barton helped locate the Veterans’ cemetery in Grand Prairie and Congressman Wright worked hard to bring the Medal of Honor Museum to Arlington, Texas.
2024 Connie Standridge, Corsicana City Manager
2023 Texas State Senator Bob Hall
2022 Texas State Senator Brian Birdwell, recipient of the Military Order of the Purple Heart
2021 Judge H.M. Davenport. County Judge, Navarro County